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Opus: 21
Written for: organ
Subtitle: In memoriam Folkert H. Grondsma
Duration: circa 6 min.
Details: dissonants, (suspensions) seldom followed by “normal” solutions, are the basis for this composition, again the twelve-tone technique is used
Score example: click here for page 7
Sound example: click here to hear an extract
A CD has been released with “Ligaduras”, played by Jos van der Kooy. Besides this piece the CD contains other pieces: “Four meditations” and “Passingala” all played by Jos van der Kooy on the organ of the Grote Kerk (Bavo) at Haarlem and “Symphony for organ for two to play” played by Christoph Mehner and Gottfried Sembdner on the organ of the Grote Kerk at Deventer.